Monday, April 2, 2007

Don Quijote played by Alonso Quijano

I have chosen to write about the topic regarding whether Don Quijote is mad or just an act. For a while now I have had the view point that Don Quijote is just a character being played by Alonso Quijano, which was prevalent in my second paper. Today's reading gave me a huge insight and argument for why Don Quijote is a character played by a man. So I will be arguing on the side that Don Quijote argument with the puppet show incident and Don Quijote reimbursing Maestro Pedro for breaking his puppets. If Don Quijote were truly mad he would have never paid the puppet master for what he had done. To me this definitely shows that there is a man playing a character. I can come up with many arguments for why he is merely a character, but I will have to think more so into why he may be mad. Perhaps I could state specific events and argue the mad side and the character side. I mean I can see how some people see him as mad, even though I personally see it as acting. So I figure either I debate both sides over particular events or I try to demonstrate moments where he seems more so crazy than acting and vice-versa. I don't know exactly what I'll do, but I do know for sure that I'm a believer that Don Quijote is played by Alonso Quijano and not a complete madman.


1 comment:

Rocinante said...

I guess a good place to start would be to draw up a list of all the characteristics and actions indicative of madness and see how well DQ exhibits them. I think you've got a good handle on the other argument.